"Conventional wisdom says to know your limits. To know your limits you need to find them first. Finding your limits generally involves getting in over your head and hoping you live long enough to benefit from the experience. That's the fun part." - Drew Marold

Thursday, November 10, 2005

The Demise of SeanLucas.com

As of today, this blog will be my main website. I have had way too many issues with the web hosting company to continue paying a monthly fee for the site. Also, I believe the journal (now the blog) was the one part most people cared about anyway. I will try to do a better job of keep this blog up to date.

I do plan to maintain a small site at geocities, but it is mostly going to be for keeping my collection of links for my own use. It will also host my journal archive which I have linked on the right. The content that anyone other than myself would care about will all be here.