As of today, this blog will be my main website. I have had way too many issues with the web hosting company to continue paying a monthly fee for the site. Also, I believe the journal (now the blog) was the one part most people cared about anyway. I will try to do a better job of keep this blog up to date.
I do plan to maintain a small site at geocities, but it is mostly going to be for keeping my collection of links for my own use. It will also host my journal archive which I have linked on the right. The content that anyone other than myself would care about will all be here.
Thursday, November 10, 2005
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Bat Mitzvah party

This past weekend, my cousin's daughter was Bat Mitzvah'ed in Charlotte. The party afterwards brought back some old faces. I saw family members that I haven't seen in a long time. There were seven of us cousins that all grew up together. It was the first time in either 9 or 12 years (depending on who's version is right) that we had all been together at the same place at the same time. Here's a picture of my whole family.
Monday, August 15, 2005
Settling In
Well, we have finished unpacking in the new house and the house warming party is done. It is finally starting to feel like home. Tonight, we are going over to the old apartment to clean up and turn in the keys.
Now, the new challenge will be to prioritize all the projects we want to do around the house. We need to train the dog on the new invisible fence, widen the driveway, buy some deck furniture, re-seed the lawn, plant some trees and... Oh Boy! I'm tired just thinking about it.
I'll post again when I get caught up on my sleep...
Now, the new challenge will be to prioritize all the projects we want to do around the house. We need to train the dog on the new invisible fence, widen the driveway, buy some deck furniture, re-seed the lawn, plant some trees and... Oh Boy! I'm tired just thinking about it.
I'll post again when I get caught up on my sleep...
Monday, August 08, 2005
Website overhaul
After a lot of hard work, the first draft of the website overhaul ( is done. I've redone the menu to make it easier to manager, changed the color scheme and gotten rid of some content that I felt no one cared about anyway. Hope you like it.
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
Hello There
I am replacing the journal on my website with this blog. To see archival journal entries I will create a journal archive on my site soon. All future entries will be posted here and linked to from my site. I am in the middle of a major re-write of the site so it may be a while before this blog is in regular use.
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