"Conventional wisdom says to know your limits. To know your limits you need to find them first. Finding your limits generally involves getting in over your head and hoping you live long enough to benefit from the experience. That's the fun part." - Drew Marold

Monday, August 15, 2005

Settling In

Well, we have finished unpacking in the new house and the house warming party is done. It is finally starting to feel like home. Tonight, we are going over to the old apartment to clean up and turn in the keys.

Now, the new challenge will be to prioritize all the projects we want to do around the house. We need to train the dog on the new invisible fence, widen the driveway, buy some deck furniture, re-seed the lawn, plant some trees and... Oh Boy! I'm tired just thinking about it.

I'll post again when I get caught up on my sleep...

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